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So I have kind of commented on this like it was a early access game from steam and not like a 10 week project made by people who are learning to make games right now, so you are probably aware of most of the issues I present, and just ran out of time.

Wonderful art obviously, nothing I can say about that, you guys clearly know what you're doing.

I do like the idea of a deckbuilder where your cards don't have a cost to get into play, but a recurring resource cost, with health being deducted when the resource runs out. Deaths ascend ability plays really nicely into that, conceptually very smart. In deckbuilding Roguelikes it's often valuable to keep health high so you can use it as a resource in a difficult boss or elite encounter or one that your deck is not equipped to handle, so effects like that make it fairly easy to survive at low health, but put you in grave danger in the already dangerous fights. None of this comes to fruition right now due to the current balance, but (I hope) that changes in the future.

The overall gameplay is very unpolished though. It lacks any difficulty and every encounter is the exact same, no increase in difficulty, no rhyme or reason to opponent plays and opponents often just skipped turns. Handcrafting multiple opponents with different decks would go a long way. Maybe even give them some unique cards the player doesn't have access to? It also did not feel like my deck was progressing in any way, it was a mess of cards at the start and a mess of cards at the end (because i mixed up the make trade and leave shop buttons :/).

It is also unfortunate that the only things you can see at a glance from cards is their stats and maybe their abilities, but not their Karma (why Karma, does that have to do with Tarot btw), even though it is even more important than a cards stats.

The positive Karma cards also all felt the same. I just got rid of the ones with 3 and bought some with 5 at the first shop and never regretted missing out on any effect. Their only relevant aspect being cost. That made the above point of Karma not being visible all the more annoying.

Sun is a (conceptually) busted card, as you can just heal to full in one easy fight, even with the current difficulty, that is of no concern. Maybe make it +5hp on play or something or the card damages itself when the effect triggers or can only do it 5 times per fight.

I did not like how I could not see what ascending major arcana does beforehand. Some of them like Sun getting -1/+2 even feel like downgrades 2/5 (or sth around that) seems better than 1/7

The audio went to just the left ear at some point, with the right ear only receiving an occasional and painful *thud* that sounded like someone took a swing directly at my eardrum. Turning my headphones to mono did fix the problem (for me).

Overall, I still really enjoyed my time with this game and would love to see it get updated in the future.


Let me lead by saying that the overall effect is fantastic.  The art is terrific and the general feel and style of things is really engaging.  I skipped the tutorial, which is probably a bad idea, but found almost everything intuitive enough, with helpful tooltips everywhere.  (Should I have learned earlier that discarding a card grants you its karma?  Yes.  Should I have learned that before discarding a negative-karma card when I had zero karma?  Absolutely yes.  This is my fault.)

I did find the game balance to be a little off: maybe because the player starts with fourcards and the opponent starts with one or two, I didn't ever really feel any sense of threat or risk of losing.  (And Strength is really powerful.)  I think if you wanted to keep working on it, there's a lot of room to explore how to balance the combats.

On the other hand, if you decide that a semester's long enough to work on a project, you can absolutely leave it where it is and be proud of it while you move on to even better things!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and detailed comment! Your feedback is invaluable to us and we're glad you were able to enjoy what we've created.
We are planning on further working on the game and improving it, as well as adding some features we unfortunately had to cut due to time constraints.
In fact, we are planning to even host our game on Steam later on.

Besides Strength being very powerful (yes, she was even stronger at some point, we were unfortunately fond of it :D ), do you have any other key feedback regarding the balancing and/or would you potentially even be interested in playtesting our game again as we work on it further in the near future?