A downloadable game for Windows

Echoes of Etrya is a third-person 3D time puzzle game in which the player solves puzzles in an ancient temple by recording their actions for a copy of themselves to repeat those actions.

The plot is about a girl who is on a quest to fix the gears of time, a powerful mechanism which her ancestors built a temple around to channel its energy leading to time anomalies. With a mystical armband she received from her ancestors she is the only one who can restore balance to the world.

For concepts, development insights, and more visit us on facebook.com/echoes

This is a 3rd-semester project at the S4G School for Games GmbH by its students.

The passionate team behind Echoes of Etrya:

Soren Wagner                  - Production
Jacob Menz                       - Game Design
Silvan Koch                       - Game Design & Engineering
Robin Hentschel            - Game Engineering
Pia Krensel                        - 3D Environment Art
Lisa Günther                     - Concept / UI / 3D Art
Melina Stratmann         - Character / Animation Art
Sylvia Exner                      - Concept / VFX/ Tech Art
Nik Douglas (NDGM)  -Music

S4G School for Games GmbH

Official website

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorSchool for Games
Tags3D Platformer, Exploration, Singleplayer, time-puzzler


Echoes of Etrya 135 MB
Version 11 Apr 23, 2019